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"inauthor: International Institute of Differing Civilizations" sur
... history of individuals and groups concerned with Black self-determination, from the Freedman's Savings Bank formed in the 1800's to the Black Panthers. Mr. Peeks is business-labor editor of the Charleston (W.Va.) Gazette. a. Theology.
"inauthor: International Institute of Differing Civilizations" sur
... University of Chicago. Recently his popular volume How to Read a Boot has proved a similar kind of thought-challenge to the reading world that his crowded classes are to his students. "THE BURDEN of educating the individual also falls ...
"inauthor: International Institute of Differing Civilizations" sur
... INTERNATIONAL (London) • Editor In Chief: ADAM WHITE Deputy Editor: Thorn Duffy International Editor: Tom Ferguson ... University Press). Once called "the boy-wonder of Broadway producers," Thompson mounted Little Nemo, the ...