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The Continental Churches. Different Views held by the Refugees. Popularity of the Church of England in 16S8. Accessions from the Huguenot Clergy.
History of the Huguenot emigration to America by Charles W. Baird, DD. Volume II. New York Dodd, Mead & Company Publishers.
... Marchand. Libraire, pres de la Bourse. M. DCC. I. Page I.) . I U PierreGuinard [Guimard] fils, fugitif de Moise en. 1685; son p~re est vivant: lieu de sa ...
The dynamic field of Arthurian Studies is the subject for this book series, Studies in Arthurian and Courtly Cultures, which explores the.
Canadian periodicals, bibliographies and indexes are searched systematically for items of potential interest to. Canadian urban history.
James G. GREENLEE, Sir Robert Falconer: A Biography (Toronto: University of ... Maurice Felix (1895-1972), an artist from France who had been hired in.
Éducation Thérapeutique : Prévention et Maladies Chroniques. Elsevier; 2007. • Labalette C, Buttet P, Marchand AC. Education thérapeutique du patient dans les ...
Con questa raccolta di studi la redazione di Reti medievali intende onorare in. Giorgio Chittolini un maestro che, con l'esempio delle sue ricerche e con la ...
8 janv. 2024 · Thèse soutenue le 6 décembre 2017. Devant le jury composé de : Sylviane LLINARES. Professeur, Université Bretagne Sud /Directrice de la ...
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