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Omer Talon (Audomarus Talaeus) (c. 1510–1562) was a French humanist, a close ally of Petrus Ramus. Biographical details are few; and there are some quite ...
Omer Talon est un avocat général au parlement de Paris, né vers 1595 à Saint-Quentin d'une famille originaire d'Irlande, et mort en 1652. Omer Talon.
Omer Talon was the attorney general to the Parisian Parliament at the beginning of the Fronde, a period of civil war in France, known for opposing a major ...
Dimensions. overall: 225 x 161.6 cm (88 9/16 x 63 5/8 in.) framed: 261.9 x 197.5 x 7 cm (103 1/8 x 77 3/4 x 2 3/4 in.) ...
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Portrait of Omer Talon. 1649. Oil on canvas, 225 x 162 cm. National Gallery of Art, Washington. The sitter was a Jansenist who favoured the establishment of ...
41 free public domain works of Omer Talon via Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL), a database of digital books ca. 1500-1800.
Title: Omer Talon. Artist: Claude Mellan (French, Abbeville 1598–1688 Paris). Sitter: Portrait of Omer Talon (French, died 1652).
Memoires de feu de M. Omer Talon avocat general en la cour de parlement de Paris : Tome troisiéme, faisant le quatriéme volume. 1732 [Leather Bound].
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