... Jacob faid unto La- ban , Send me away , that I may go unto mine own place , and to my country . And it came to pass , when Rachel had born fofeph At which time his fourteen years of fervitude were ended ; for Jacob was in Laban's houfe ...
George Jacob Holyoake. p I e endeavoured to do , placing myself , as well as I was able , in author's place , endeavouring to think his thoughts , and to get that my own views differed from his . If I have done tice to my own estimate of ...
... in author's series was 0.016-0.018 per cent . The average of several tests , therefore , is sufficiently exact ... place of the poisonous ricin used by Jacob and Solms : The finely ground peas , freed as much as possible from the ...
... in author's The Pentatomidae within fifty miles of New York . " ] . l.c. ... pl . ) Separate . 23.3 cm . Kotinsky , Jacob . The first North American leaf ... pl . ) . Kellogg , Vernon ] L [ yman ] . Notes on California Cocridae ...
... University from such serious interference as befell the State Agricultural ... JACOB RIIS PAYS TRIBUTE TO HIS MEMORY . A MOS Merchant Ensign , city editor ... place . Mr. Ensign leaves a wife , who was Miss Rebecca McAllister , a ...
... in author's The Pentatomidae within fifty miles of New York . " ] . l.c. ... pl . ) Separate . 23.3 cm . Kotinsky , Jacob . The first North American leaf ... pl . ) . Kellogg , Vernon ] Lyman ] . Notes on California Coccidae ...
... in author's " The Pentatomidae within fifty miles of New York . " ] . l.c. ... pl . ) Separate . 23.3 cm . Kotinsky , Jacob . The first North American leaf ... pl . ) . Kellogg , Vernon ] Lyman ] . Notes on California Cocridae ...
... In- Author : The Christian Reconstruction of Modern ternat . Law and of Mich , Law Rev. Home : 1911 Life , 1913 ; The Religion of the Social Passion , 1923. Lorraine Pl . , Ann Arbor , Mich . Contbr . to Christian Century , Brit . and ...
... Pl . Office : 724-28 W. Roosevelt Rd . Co. Boul . SCHIFFLIN , Eugene , pres ... Jacob , lumberman ; b . Chicago , Jan. 6 , 1865 ; s . Adam and Maria ( Young ) ... in Author : General Chemis- inorganic chemistry . try , 1925. Home ...
... place this under melanifusism - with probably final degree ) . 1915 . Data : Holotype & , expanse 40 mm .; Scranton , Pa . ( Rothke ) , July 21 , In Author's coll . Named after Mr. Max Rothke of Scranton , Pa . 19. Argynnis montivaga ...