"inauthor: Capefigue (M., Jean Baptiste Honoré Raymond)" sur
From the French of M. Capefigue Capefigue (M., Jean Baptiste Honoré Raymond) William Monteith. always to compose a ... in author- ity . In the month of October 1819 , he presented a memorial to Louis XVIII . upon the proceedings of ...
"inauthor: Capefigue (M., Jean Baptiste Honoré Raymond)" sur
Jean Baptiste Honoré Raymond CAPEFIGUE. always to compose a memorial upon every situation that occurred , for he liked to observe men and circumstances as from an eminence , so as to enlighten those in author- ity . In the month of ...
"inauthor: Capefigue (M., Jean Baptiste Honoré Raymond)" sur
Jean Baptiste Honoré Raymond Capefigue. always to compose a memorial upon every situation that occurred , for he liked to observe men and circumstances as from an eminence , so as to enlighten those in author- ity . In the month of ...