Charles Gabriel Rodolphe Secrétan, né le 19 janvier 1815 à Lausanne où il meurt le 21 janvier 1895 , est un juriste, enseignant, théologien protestant, ...
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Charles Secretan (January 19, 1815 – January 21, 1895) was a Swiss philosopher. He was born on 19 January 1815 in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he also died ...
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Charles Secrétan - The Anthology of Swiss Legal Culture › secretan_charles_1815
12 août 2019 · His main work, “La philosophie de la liberté”, is written in the spirit of Alexandre Vinet, followed the current of German idealism and ...
... Author of all things imposed such limitations on himself. God is what he wills. His voluntary self-limitation of himself attests to his real infinity ...
L'Enigme du Monde et sa Solution selon Charles Secrétan. [author unknown]. Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 31 (4):1-1 (1924).
Charles Secrétan : l'évolution de sa pensée ;, 1913 ; dc.identifier, ; dc.identifier, ...
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Révoqué en 1845, lors de la révolution vaudoise, il enseigna, à partir de 1850, au collège de Neuchâtel et, en 1866, reprit possession de sa chaire à Lausanne.
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Autres questions
Qui est Secretan ?
Title L'énigme du monde et sa solution selon Charles Secrétan. Vers 1938. Author ABAUZIT Charles; Binding Paperback; Publisher Editions Delachaux et Niestlé ...
Showing 1 - 1 results of 1 for search 'Secrétan, Charles, 1815-1895', query time: 0.02s. Sort. Relevance, Date Descending, Date Ascending, Call Number ...
La Philosophie de la Liberté Cours de Philosophie Morale Fait À Lausanne. Tome 1 (French Edition). French Edition | by Charles Secrétan.
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