301 avis
A challenge to our perspective about life.
BEATRIZ· Avis fourni par booksamillion.com · 10 septembre 2024
Green lights, I mean what can I say. Not only is this spook a story of humble begginigs but also a testimony that with every challenge we face in life there's a lesson learned, an opportunity to become better and live a fulfilling life. Green lights teaches us that some hardships aren't hardships at all but more green lights that allow us to shed our current self into a better version of us. It's funny, sometimes sad. But more importantly it can speak to the core of any of us knowing that green lights give us a go. To go further than we could have imagined possible with fear, joy and fun through the lives we live.
Anonymous_NickName· Avis fourni par saxo.com · 16 mars 2021
Det er vel ingen overraskelse, at en skuespiller kan fortælle en god historie. At kende stemmen betød, at jeg læste den og hørte hans stemme i hovedet. Det betød en dybere oplevelse. Men dybden stopper ikke der. "Lommefilosofi" kan have en negativ konnotation, men i dette tilfælde er det en kompliment. Hudløst ærlighed og uselvisk deling af dybe tanker, fejl gjort, oplevelser mødt i fuld fart og med panden holdt højt, og refleksioner, usikkerhed, og en helt masse one-liners. Det er summen af denne bog. Krydret med en god forståelse for pacing, et farverigt og smukt sprog, så fuldendes rækken af stjerner. Da jeg satte bogen på hylden "læst" her til aften, strittede der små post-its ud fra adskillige sider. Det er dem jeg genlæser engang i mellem fordi jeg fandt værdi og stof til eftertanke.
Cary B· Avis fourni par audiobookstore.com · 14 janvier 2022
A lively and thought provoking book filled with insights into Matthew's quicksilver and fascinating character. At times humble, others bordering on arrogance, he is always extremely likeable. He shoots from the hip, in a brave and personable way exposes lots about himself. It always feels truthful. There are interesting tales to hear, the book is read by Matthew himself which gives an added dimension of authenticity. An unusual star with deep faith and longlasting love of his wife. Compelling!
greenlights is Awsome must read
krettig· Avis fourni par Target · 8 décembre 2022
really enjoyed this book. I'm 54 and a lazy reader. usually loose interest in a book half way through the first chapter. but I couldn't put this book down. really enjoyed Matthew's story and his wisdom and insight on life. never blames anybody for failures in life. always takes accountability for mistakes and willingness to change himself for the better. Thanks Matthew for sharing your story with us. and will always pray for you and your family. God Bless !
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